Machine Learning Bookcamp

Creating an EKS Cluster

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about

  • Installing kubectl and eksctl
  • Creating and configuring a EKS cluster

Installing Kubectl

Instructions. Here’s a TLDR for Linux. For other OS, check the link.

Create a folder where you’ll keep it. For example, ~/bin

Go there, download the kubectl binary:

curl -LO

Make it executable:

chmod +x ./kubectl

Add this folder to PATH:

export PATH="~/bin:${PATH}"

Add this line to your .bashrc

Install eksctl

Eksctl is a command line tool for creating and managing EKS clusters. More info

Let’s install it to the same ~/.bin directory where we installed kubectl:

curl --silent --location
-s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C ~/bin/

Create a EKS cluster

We’ll use eksctl for creating a cluster. More info

eksctl create cluster \
    --name ml-bookcamp-eks \
    --region eu-west-1

Note: if you want to use Fargate, check this tutorial. Fargate might be better, but the setup process is more complex.

It should also create a config file in ~/.kube/config. You should be able to use kubectl now to connect to the cluster

Check that the config works:

kubectl get service

It should return the list of services currently running on a cluster:

kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   6m17s

If you have an error like that:

[✖]  unable to use kubectl with the EKS cluster (check 'kubectl version'):
Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: fork/exec 
/usr/local/bin/aws-iam-authenticator: exec format error

You need to generate the config using aws cli (Instruction).

This is how you do it:

aws eks --region eu-west-1 update-kubeconfig --name ml-bookcamp-eks

It will create a config located at ~/.kube/config

Check that the config works:

kubectl get service

It should return the list of services currently running on a cluster:

kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   6m17s

Deleting the cluster

Don’t forget to delete your cluster when you finish your experiments. Use eksctl for that:

eksctl delete cluster --name ml-bookcamp-eks

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